Meet Our Groomers!
Have a vacation coming up? Book your pet's next stay with Kenl Inn NOW!
LeEtta is our Grooming Manager, and has 5 years of grooming experience! She is Certified through Paragon Pet School with having gone through lessons 1-3.
The National Dog Groomers Association of America Inc. has presented Maria with a National Certified Non-Sporting Groomer Certificate. She has also received the NDGAA National Certified Master Groomer Certificate.
Kendra has been at Kenl Inn for almost 2 years and has gone through lessons 1 through 3 of Paragon. She has her Pet Stylist Certificate.
has 3 years of bather experience and a year of grooming. Ashley has finished lesson 2 of Paragon and is now a certified Pet Groomer. She is looking forward to learn and progress even more into the grooming world.
had spent a year as a front staff member at Kenl Inn and has now found a passion in bathing and grooming. She has been grooming for almost a year now. Holly has finished lesson 2 of Paragon and has earned her certificate for becoming a Pet Groomer. She loves getting to work more closely with the dogs and learning more about grooming!
Hannah has been at Kenl inn for almost 2 years and has also earned her Pet Groomer Certificate from Paragon by finishing lessons 1 and 2.
Jenna has worked at Kenl Inn for 6 years, and has 17 years of experience with grooming.